Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Smile for Me held it’s first board meeting on the 20th December. The board met to discuss plans for the next medical mission to Cebu in May 2017. Arrangements are underway to ensure the surgical mission runs smoothly. Further fundraising events will be announced...

Filipino BBQ

The Filipino BBQ held by Gredie to celebrate her birthday was a wonderful success. Lots of people came to help her celebrate her birthday in Centennial Park. She raised $2520 for Smile for ME & plans to hold a fundraiser BBQ again next year to celebrate her...
Charity status

Charity status

We are pleased to announce we have received our charity status & look forward to our surgical mission in May 2017. Any donations received by Smile for ME are tax deductible.
Liam, the first official fundraiser

Liam, the first official fundraiser

Liam Ireland – Linsley volunteered to become our first official fundraiser for Smile for ME. He is 8 & the son of one of the nurses that go to Cebu. He ran the Blackmores Bridge Run on the 18th of September. He ran the 9km event over the Sydney Harbour...
Our next mission to Cebu

Our next mission to Cebu

Our next mission to Cebu is scheduled for May 2017. We are busy preparing all the equipment & sterile supplies we need to complete a successful mission. On the ground in the Philippines we are spreading the word of our next mission to ensure the families are ready...