The Team
Our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, dental team, support workers & local nurses
I first got involved with this mission while working at Sydney Children’s Hospital. I overheard two doctors speaking about coming back from the Philippines. After they showed me the pictures of the little ones I knew I had to get involved. I’ve been going for 3 years now & it’s changed my life to see the good in this world through these children’s eyes. The people of the Philippines are such beautiful people & it’s such an honor to be accepted into their country with open arms every year & be a part of a team of absolute selfless nurses & doctors who get to make a difference in kids lives each year. I will continue to do this as long as this program allows me to. I’m in love with this work & these kids & so unbelievably proud to be a part of this organisation.
Marie Genest Anaethetic Nurse
Maureen Eddison was an integral part of our team for many years. She was the director & mission leader for 20 years & will always be an inspiration to us. Her dedication saw her awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to the international community. Any work undertaken by our team is done so with the memory of Maureen foremost in our hearts & minds.
I’m a paediatric anesthesiologist, and enjoy being part of such a great team to provide surgery for children who sadly can only lead a normal life thanks to teams like ours. We rely on so many people, all totally voluntary, in three countries, who find the patients, transport and feed them and their families, raise funds, help with obtaining medical equipment and supplies, and then, after months of preparation, make it all happen during the actual mission. It’s a real thrill when it all comes together and we can see the kids and their families after the operations.
Ian Woodforth Anaesthetist
We are also very grateful to our ancillary support volunteers Manny Perez our IT consultant, Andrew O’Donaghoe our legal consultant & Pran Rathod our financial auditor who also give their time for free to ensure the charities optimal management for the benefit of the children.